Hi everyone,
Can a MRC Decoder work with a Digitax Zepher System? When I put it on the test track I get the code dnA… I had a Prodigy system for a short period and switched over to Digitrax. Verry Happy. This seems to be the only problem that I am having.
Thanks for the help.
I also run a Digitrax system, but I’m not familiar with the MRC decoders. Have you called Digitrax and asked them? Their technical support is excellent. The MRC decoders should be programable with a Digitrax system, but there may be something special you need to do to start the process. If so, the good people at Digitrax should be able to point you in the right direction. I’ve had to call them a couple of times and they were very helpful.
Tom Watkins
The MRC decoders should work. If it worked on the Prodigy, then it will work on the Zephyr, though you might have to change some settings to read it (I am not familiar with how the Prodigy system works, but the previous MRC system had some funky way of binding decoders to controllers).
For programming, you will have to use one of the other programming methods (I think PHYS [physical register]). The Zephyr defaults to the preferred programming for Digitrax decoders, but other brands and particularly older decoders do not support it.
If you cannot get it working after some fiddling, then I would second the call to Digitrax support.