

Lived in Atikokan, Ontario as a kid, moved away in the early 70’s. Grew up next door to the CN railyard, so railfanning is a natural.

I have searched far and wide but have never been able to find information and photos related to CN trains and operations in Atikokan during the 1960’s and 1970’s.

This was a serious railway town - with two local iron ore mines and their unit trains bound for Thunder Bay, eastbound grain trains from the prairies also destined for the Lakehead and general freight trains on top of that.

There were engines idling, crews changing and maintenance facilities along with the local train station.

We made “chewing gum” from the grain and used iron ore pellets in our slingshots back in the day!

Where are the photos from back then? Did no one record the CN’s history in Atikokan during it’s prime? I would love to walk down memory lane.