Retired Electrical Engineer / Computer Designer and High-Tech Executive living in Northern California (Bay Area, South Bay). Huge Golden State Warriors fan as well as a 49ers fan (and season ticket holder) even though they suck right now :-).
I’m sort of a beginner because I’ve never done this before, but have studied the subject extensively over the last few months (forums, books, Youtube videos, etc) so now feel like I know quite a bit. I got into this partially because my Dad built a 4x8 HO layout when I was a kid (very cool setup with full scenery - mountains, tunnels, hand-built bridges, a lake, etc) and my grandson (now 3-1/2) is REALLY into trains so I decided, “Hey, I could build my own layout, that would be really fun”.
I’m building a multilevel HO layout (basically two 4x8 sections in a 12ft wide L-shape) with the top level suspended from the ceiling. I’m powering everything with an NCE DCC system and using Peco Code 83 Flextrack & Electrofrog turnouts. Subroadbed for the suspended portion is 1/2" plywood with 1/4" “Poster Board” foam glued on top with Gorilla Glue (everything cut to 4" wide following the track layout). That one-piece subroadbed is fixed to the wall on the back and one side and suspended from the ceiling in the center and other sides with 1/4" threaded rods attached to rod hangers mounted on the ceiling joists… The roadbed is a mix of cork and Woodland Scenics foam (to try out both), part attached with hot glue and the rest attached with latex caulk (“sealer” not adhesive), again to try out both methods.