Born and raised in Colorado; started HO hobby around 1966 by purchasing a used, torn down HO mrr from an airman stationed at Lowry AFB. Still have almost all of that original stuff, including the Atlas copper snap track (track not in use!). Retired, enjoying life and volunteer a lot of time with Boy Scouts, Denver Area Council. Married 42 years, 3 sons, 4 granddaughters, 1 grandson.

Currently have under construction a HO-HOn3 layout. Been working on it for about 12 years.

Became interested in railroading as a boy - my grandpa worked for the Burlington Route for 42 years, first as a pipefitter for steam locomotives, and then as a stationary boiler engineer for the Burlington’s powerhouse in Denver. Both of those buildings are still standing although, obviously, they now have different uses. When I was a kid, my grandpa worked “long Sunday” once per month, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. We would go over to Grandma’s house on those days for Sunday dinner, then pack a lunch for Grandpa at work. The Burlington Powerhouse had a large steam whistle on the roof. On Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Grandpa would blow that whistle, which could be heard all over downtown Denver and north Denver. On our visits to the powerhouse, Grandpa would let my brother and me blow the whistle at the designated times. Great memories!

My uncle worked for the Rio Grande for 40 years in the Traffic Department, in which I developed an affection for that railroad as well.