I’m a retired procurement professional with over 40 years in the IT industry. I had Lionel trains as a child, and didn’t get back to them until 2008. In 2012 I joined the NMRA and began my journey toward prototype modeling.
Today, I’ve designed a 2-deck railroad depicting my take on the Norfolk Southern from Elkhart Indiana to Burns Harbor. I’m modeling the run as a single-track mainline with five industrial districts per deck depicting many of the actual businesses present in the 2009-2012 timeframe.
I’m using NCE wired/wireless DCC and LCC/JMRI along with WIFITrax w/phones & a TCS throttle.
A single track helix connects the decks, as designed. I have built the top deck and have begun structure and scenery work using traditional methods along with static grass and newer methods.