

I was born in 1971. I used to play with model trains as a kid till about age 9. All I could afford at the time was cheap plastic TYCO diesel, and brass snap track. I caught the MRR bug again during Christmas 2002, when my wife broke out my old childhood trainset to put around the Christmas tree. I became a kid again! Needless to say I was instantly addicted! Now I enjoy using my own steam at my local club. I am currently in the process of building my dream layout (32x32) loosely based on the C&O’s business. (Coal from WV, passenger service, and LCL’s to various businesses) I have learned a few tricks and techniques for model building. But my real specialty is DCC and electronics. (I have a degree in engineering.) If you have any questions about DCC, or other electronics, please feel free to ask.

I consider the following people on the board very talented and informative:

Joe Fugate

TStage (Tom)

Selector (Crandell)

RRinker (Randy)

TomikawaTT (Chuck)

I find the following people excellent modelers and/or just downright friendly and helpful.

Grampy’s Trains

Space Mouse

Art Hill


And many many more. They are a credit to this forum and the spirit of model railroading.