I was a yard foreman/conductor with the last Class One RR in Grand Rapids, Michigan with 37 years seniority. I am now retired (thankfully) and get to look back with amusement at whats going on now a days. You can’t even make a joint with a remote control locomotive anymore without getting into trouble! Insanity has taken over. I am amused to say the least.
Always been a fan and have been watching trains and reading TRAINS for over 50 years. I grew up on the GR&I branch of the PRR so I have always had a place for The Pennsy in my heart but it was the C&O that was hiring in the late 70’s so thats where I went. I have been lucky and stayed here in West Michigan for all of my career. I have been working yard jobs for the past 14 years and wouldn’t go back on the road if they doubled my pay!
I love the job, always have.