I’m from Solon Ohio and now live in Virginia Beach, VA. I currently own one small 3x2.5 N scale layout based on E. L. Moore’s Elizabeth Valley RR. I’ve scratchbuilt buildings from E. L.'s articles awaiting placement on some far-off new project. Computer projects have seemingly brought my modeling to a halt. I rebuilt my older HO layout into NMRA modules… then sold them after several years of taking them to shows. I’ve written 4 articles for model RR mags (see MRR index). My biggest achievement was the creation of my homemade brick paper, both colored bricks and light bricks. MR printed one of the articles, the other was in N Scale Magazine. I had grand hopes this would be very influential, but I have never seen a single example of anyone else using my techniques. It’s simple, cheap and very low tech. No wonder it’s not used, it’s too “old school”!