

After a 50 year hiatus, I returned to model trains- maybe this time I’ll actually finish a layout. It was about three years ago I was informed my 28 year infatuation with windsurfing was over unless I wanted to undergo more surgery on my worn out shoulders. Sold all the sailing gear and bought a bunch of HO trains… been working on my railroad ever since. What began as a 2’ x 4’ diorama has grown into a 9’ x11’ platform (and consumed half my garage). This one is just an experiment since we will be moving back East at some point in the not too distant future. I wanted to try as much of the ‘new’ (to me) stuff as I could ; foam board, DCC, operable knuckle couplers, and a lot more that was not around when I was first tried this hobby. I hope I’m learning quicker than I’m forgetting but trains beat watching the tube and having patience now overcomes the loss of steadier hands and sharper eyes I use to possess.