I am a 22-year veteran with Canadian Pacific Railway in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Sadly, the EHH regime at CPRS abolished my job in Revenue Accounting after 8 years and, after a short four-month stint in the Mail Room (which was very enjoyable), I was eventually forced to apply for Railroad Disability after I was displaced by a seniority bump and was unable to qualify in Crew Dispatching. I’m still doing a lot of railroad research and if I’m not able to eventually get back at CPRS or some ofther railroad, I’d like to be able to do railroad consulting. I also have previous experience as an Operator/Agent in Enderlin, North Dakota and also working in Customer Service. I also have 1 1/2 years with Iowa Interstate Railroad working as an Agent/Clerk in both Rock Island, Illinois and in Newton, Iowa. I have been a railfan since I can remember; growing up in Edgewood on the Milwaukee Road’s Cedar Rapids - Calmar branchline. I grew up very close to both the MILW and the Illinois Central/Illinois Central Gulf as I would frequentl the IC/ICG mainline at Manchester, Iowa and other points on the Dubuque subdivision.
I am a 1993 graduate of the University of Iowa. In addition to my love of railroads and the railroad industry, I am also a huge sports fan and competitive athlete (still) in my sport (tennis). I also love the outdoors and love to travel as well.