

Just a few things…Have been retired now in the 25th year…from a major Corp. Our location designed, tested and produced various “powertrain” components for automotive / trucking use…{and some industrial and marine {transmission components}. I was involved with prototyping, testing etc…of those products. Originally from Pennsylvania, and along with another associate, worked a test station there for actual road testing of above products. Have been involved with road testing out west for extended periods of time. Life interests {some of them}…Automotive…Railroads…Structual Archictecture…News Junkie. Wife, Jean and I have one daughter…one grandchild. Visit back in Pennsylvania at least once a year, sometimes more often…400 miles distant. Enjoy many aspects of this railroad forum…Especially, the many nice folks with polite, honest conversation…

Item update: Sadly, I report wife Jean passed away June 27th…2012. However she being a serious Believer as well as I…We have Faith her Soul went to be with the Lord in the Heavenly Place as promised in Scripture.

Jean and I had been married 54 yrs. The photo with the {Corvette and us}, was taken down in Florida. Our first trip to that part of the country. We had been married less than a yr. at that time.

Hello to all. Just looking at my profile…Changed the retired date…and now time has stretched to just past 7 yrs. since I lost my Jean…qm {7 - 10 - 19}