I was born and raised in Bremerton, Washington in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s . My dad was a WW2 vet and SeaBee, settled in Bremerton in the late 40’s and went to work at PSNS after discharge. Spent alot of time w/dad and brothers going into the forests to cut trees for firewood and found areas rich with old logging railbeds and trestles. I fell in love with trains in 1960-61 @ the age of 3- my parents were building their house and it required many weekends of going to Tacoma’s ‘Nalley Valley’ for paints and fixtures. The hiway went past the turntable and station at PSNS and while the world had gone diesel by that time, PSNS had a huge steam ‘yard goat’ working the rails near the turntable and depot. W/mom n dad picking paints and stuff in Tacoma, this 3 and older brother would watch an endless parade of locos and freight cars switching the area.
My mind is fuzzy on some places- being only 7 or 8, but I remember a trestle that must have been 150 jeet tall and stretched between 2 mountain ridges and across a deep valley. another was having my Grandma take me down to the old coal docks (Lebo Blvd) and look across to several oil storage tanks- I recall her pointing out a locomotive switching tank cars, but I can find no records of any rail service there