Basically Me
I’ve been a techie and a miner
a live-wire linesman too
sold real estate and biscuits
played jazz east at the ‘Loo’
Played baseball with the Pirates
from the mound and on the bags
with Deejay and the Archer
and several other wags
Fired a mortar and a bren gun
at an enemy unseen
was guard of honour at North Terrace
for our coroneted queen
Been a sailor, done some gliding
toured Australia in a camper
climbed the ‘Rock,’ saw the Olgas
and learned to cook a damper
Lived in boughsheds at the Tennant
slept in swanky Gold Coast doss
the Regent down in Sydney town
casinos and the ‘Cross’
Done up half a dozen houses
from Beaumont to Cairns and back
made soft drinks in the ‘Alice’
and I’m never going back
I’ve cruised the South Pacific
in the lap of luxury
to Tonga and Noumea
sipping kava and iced tea
Went dancing with the damsels
at the Haven and the Oak
and ended up on Mondays
as a somewhat seedy bloke
Done a host of other crazy th