My main modeling interests are steam and mainline traction. My current projects are:
- Building a Model Power Pickle Works (now built., but now adding the vat farm that goes with it.)
- Building the Circus Craft 20ft chair wagon (half complete)
- Painting the Sparkling Star Circus wagon…Mirror Wagon (half painted)
- Painting the Sparkling Star Circus wagon…America Band Wagon (half painted)
- Painting the Sparkling Star Ciricus wagon…“Sea Spirit” (half painted)
- Detailing a John Deere Model D fifteen car load out. (5 cars completed, 5 more cars decked and ready for tractors…problem have only found enough tractors for no more cars.)
- Repainting/branding a Bachmann Spectrum Doodlebug for the Soo Line
- Finishing the overhead rotor of a Wiliam’s Brothers Pitcairn Autogyro.
- Adding a decoder to a SBB Krokodile
Once I clear room in the basement I will actually start building the layout, or fixing the club layout. Whichever one my family will let me work on first.