

My main modeling interests are steam and mainline traction. My current projects are:

  1. Building a Model Power Pickle Works (now built., but now adding the vat farm that goes with it.)
  2. Building the Circus Craft 20ft chair wagon (half complete)
  3. Painting the Sparkling Star Circus wagon…Mirror Wagon (half painted)
  4. Painting the Sparkling Star Circus wagon…America Band Wagon (half painted)
  5. Painting the Sparkling Star Ciricus wagon…“Sea Spirit” (half painted)
  6. Detailing a John Deere Model D fifteen car load out. (5 cars completed, 5 more cars decked and ready for tractors…problem have only found enough tractors for no more cars.)
  7. Repainting/branding a Bachmann Spectrum Doodlebug for the Soo Line
  8. Finishing the overhead rotor of a Wiliam’s Brothers Pitcairn Autogyro.
  9. Adding a decoder to a SBB Krokodile

Once I clear room in the basement I will actually start building the layout, or fixing the club layout. Whichever one my family will let me work on first.