

I am a 32 year old firefighter and father of two. I was brought up on model trains, staring with HO and making the switch to N scale. About three years ago I made the jump to O / 027 and couldn’t be happier. My layout is 12.5 X 21 ft double decked in a converted garage. I model a factious branch of the Pennsy called the St, Teresa / Sulc Division. i have over 20 engines, and 100+ freightcars on the layout along with a streetcar line and 12 passenger cars. My layout includes 58 switches and 13 industries. The layout is usually run kinda of point to point but can be divided into loops for continous running. My other interests are Buffett music, surfing and railfanning. If anyone is in the Melbourne - Palm bay area of Florida and wants to stop by, give me a shout. I am always happy to share the layout with the public!