I can remember always being interested in trains. I grew up in Eastern Washington watching first the Great Northern, then the Burlington Northern mainline roar through my hometown. But it wasn’t until visiting a layout with my father at Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco while on vacation in 1972 that I became a total train nut. I received my HO train set from mom & dad that year for Christmas and 37 years later I’m still at it. This is my 6th layout. My first was a 4’ x 8’ Santa Fe layout hinged to a wall in my parents garage. The last three have been as an adult. The last two have been the fictitious Washington Northern.
The Washington Northern is a freelanced HO scale model railroad set in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State in the mid 1990s. A regional railroad centered in the fictitious large deep water port city of Port Andrews geographically located between the real cities of Port Angeles and Port Townsend on what is Discovery Bay on the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
The specific area I am modeling at this time is the Port Andrews Tideflats District. This version of the WN is a small switching layout in a spare bedroom of my new home. A former version housed in a 23’ x 32’ room depicting the Coast Subdivision in my old home was dismantled in 2005.
For more information, please visit my website at http://wnrr.net