Outshopped during WW II in Columbus OH, which is still his home terminal. Privileged to have lived three extraordinary railfan stories (which are posted on the CLASSIC TRAINS Forum): ON BECOMING A RAILFAN (1946) - could have as easily become enamored to another mode of transport instead; THE GREAT PASSENGER TRAIN DRAG RACE (1961) - this happened while riding on the Santa Fe… not once, but twice… on the same trip!; and, MIRACLE AT CHARLOTTESVILLE which details the meeting of two railfans three years apart while serving in the U.S. Navy, the first in Monterey CA, 1966, an occurance best labeled a “Grand Coincidence,” while the second, in Charlottesville VA, 1969, involved an astounding convergence of events that I consider a minor miracle in the history of the world! These stories were posted between January and April, 2011, so you’ll now have to dig down many forum pages to find them. But you’ll find them reflective for us old timers, and instructive for younger fans.