

I am a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer. I retired in 2018 after 20 years in engineering, and needed something to fill that technical hunger within me. I decided to rekindle my childhood love of model railroading and put together a modest N-scale layout in my garage. I have since moved to HO, because I just couldn’t deal with the small pieces and parts. Now, I am completely addicted, and there’s no such thing as TOO MANY LOCOMOTIVES!! :slight_smile:

My favorite railroads are Rio Grande and Norfolk Southern. I like all eras, but I do admit I love modern diesels. I admire the railroad industry for their continued efforts to make more efficient and powerful locomotives, and their increased focus on safety.

I have a modest 15’ x 8’ layout in a spare room in my house that I use to learn and improve on the art of modeling. I am not a rivet counter, but I do like realism. No action figures, please. My strengths are track laying, electrical work, and landscaping. I have ventured into the weathering world with my airbrush, and I must say I think I’m quite good at it. I am still learning my DCC system, and am eager to learn anything anyone is willing to teach me. But, at the end of the day, my favorite thing is just looking at my locomotives and admiring their engineering mastery.