

I have been in the computer industry for the past 30 years. I am a partner in a Computer support and service company, CybarWorks, that has recentl released a software product for small business support. CybarCare is like a healthcare plan for small business computers… It’s not as screwed up as regular health care. I also own a flying school “Scottedale Flight Academy” - another hobby. www.CybarWorks.com www.ScottsdaleFlightAcademy.com I’v been interested in model railroading since I was about 6 years old. I got my first Lionel for Christmas and was hooked ever since. I’m working on an N Scale freelance (3’x8’) just to get back into this. I need something to help me relax - have some fun. I Plan to model the 1950’s era in the Drake, Jerome, Arizona area. This is the end of the Jerome Copper Mine - a great historical period.