

Well, let’s see. Born in Nov, 1950 on Staten Island, about four miles from the Ferry Terminal to Manhattan. That’s “The City” to all true believers. Went to Catholic schools for years. Survived with only minor bumps & bruises. Came to Buffalo, NY for graduate school in Biochemistry. Stayed. Been in the “Miami of the North” since 1971. Still waiting for a sports team here to win a major championship. As they say: “…Just wait 'til…” Not sure how to finish that sentence yet. ("…next Century"would not be a charitable thing to say, but you should hear what people around here do say!!

Been a model railroader since 1964, a fairly long time now. Favorite RR is now a Maine two-footer called the Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington. Ages ago, it was the Baltimore & Ohio. Go figure…