

Married, with 5 kids, I reside in Maryland, and work near the Chesapeake Bay. Future plans are to move to West Virginia.

I’ve always had trains in my life. From a HO TYCO set around the Christmas tree, to a MARX ride-on train, to my first real LIONEL train set that my grandfather gave me.

My teen years found me giving up the 3-rail for HO, and I joined the Triangle & Western club, where I became its scenery chairman. Also during this time, I became an avid railfan, going trackside to catch the end of Chessie and the emerging CSX. I drifted away from the organization (mainly over constant meetings concerning by-laws, Roberts Rules…[xx(]), and developed a love of N-Scale in my 20’s. I attended the 1990 Pittsburgh NMRA convention.

With the birth of my son, a new passion for O gauge 3-rail rekindled, and several Christmas layouts flourished into what is now my Connellsville Sub, based on the Chessie lines (former WM and B&O) from Cumberland to Meyersdale.

I am TCA member #57013, attend the YORK shows regularly, and have attended conventions in Pittsburgh, Vermont and Baltimore.

My modeling efforts appeared in the Jan '08 CTT, and my railfan efforts appeared in The Patapsco & Back River RR (Elmer Hall).