I was born in Missoula, Montana and moved to Wisconsin in the mid 80’s. I grew up in Pewaukee, Wisconsin (a small suburb of Milwaukee). It is a small town, but Railroading is big there. There are a couple of mainlines that run right through the middle of town. My grandparents and uncle are from North Dakota and worked on the Burlington Northern railroad their whole life. Every since I remember, I have loved trains. I didn’t start seriously modeling railroads until about 7 years ago, and then I moved and took a 2 year break from the hobby. I am now getting back into it.
I model N scale and my main focus is on the Late Era Rock Island. This stems from my first train set I received when I was 3 years old. It was a Lionel Toys R Us special edition Rock Island line. Also, spending a lot of time in the Chicago area and Minnesota while traveling around with my Uncle and Grandpa on the railroad, I was always attracted to the “Bankruptcy Blue” paint scheme. I also love to model crazy paint schemes and heavy weathering (which you can see from my layout pictures), so this is the perfect road and era for me to focus on.