

Started model railroading when i was still in grade school, my father bought my brothers and i an O27 gauge Lionel, C and O train set. It was the greatest, we set it up every year right after Thanksgiving. At least untill we all be came teens then, model trains kindof took a back seat, typicall. Anyway after i moved out and got married i decided to start modeling again. After speaking with a few fellow employees on trains, due to the break i was somewhat rusty on my knowledge of model trains, i chose N scale because of their ability to be modeled in small spaces. After all i’m very happy with the decision. As far as road names i allways took a liking to Norfolk Southern i guess because i allways saw CSX, growing up in central Maryland, and once in a while if we were in the right area we would see an NS coal train. As a boy i guess that made the NS somewhat special. My layout is modeled after south east Pennsylvania, small towns and rual scenery. Its not very big about nine by five feet, i used atlas code 80 flex track and peco turnouts. So far i’m very pleased with it with the exception of a decoder hick-up every once in a while, nothing is perfect though right?