1st pike: 1976-81 approx. 4’x10’ open grid, freelanced HO. Involved in the design and construction of six others over the years (two of them mine).
Current Status: Planning an interpretive modeling, not about a particular railroad company but of a particular geographic area in New York State around 1955-1965.
I’m not sure if I’ll split Jamestown, NY (Erie-EL) into three contiguous LDE’s:
1-Jamestown Yard @ PAX Sta.;
2-Industrial Area (Blackstone, Art Metal, Dahlstrom’s, Maddox, Marlin Rockwell);
3-Village of Falconer]
Or split the Erie (EL) line from Jamestown to Olean into three simplified LDE’s:
1- Jamestown
2- Salamanca
3- Olean
Or some other such modeling of the Erie (EL) line from Jamestown to Elmira (reducing something so monumental into a model could be daunting; I don’t think I have the time or space).