

I am from Pittsburgh (Monroeville) and work as a window glazier for the past 31 years. My interest are in this order.

  1. Locating the exact route of the South Pennsylvania Railroad along the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

  2. Photographing documents of the South Pennsylvania Railroad and reading them to understand what was taking place durig the survey and actua work on this incomplete railroad.

  3. Locating an photographing actual work sites completed as well as reading the actual maps and locating where the railroad was to be built.

Taking field trips to actual properties where the grade was to be built and talking to the present owners about where the grade should ave been built.

  1. I love to give talks on the route and do power point programs

  2. Writing detail books on the route.

I have been discovering the route for the past fifteen years and don’;t think I will ever get done.