022 Switch Problem

Switch omly throws in one direction. Using direct power and insulating pins are correctly positioned. Tested with several controlers. Suggestions?


You are going to have to give us a lot more information before anyone can give you advice.

As a newbie your first few posts are moderated so please be patient.


The only thing a Google search comes up with is Lionel O gauge. You would have better luck here.



My Model Railroad

Now that was strange, as I was typing, giving the same info as Mel has linked to, the thread was moved, and Mel edited his reply.

All totaled, I ended up getting the pink “This page does not excist” error message.

OK, so here we are at a new location, and Mel has added a link to here:


So, to the OP, follow the link, hover your mouse over Community, on the black bar at the top of the page, and when the box drops down, click on Forums.

Good luck!


Weird stuff this morning I tried six times to make my link clickable and it was a no go, I finally gave up.


My Model Railroad

Bakersfield, California

I’m beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

It’s one of “link within the forums thing” with hoops to jump through.



That looks like part of a thread, but I don’t see the beginning. There are a couple other threads on the Lionel 022. The OP should search the community using the box about 1/2 way down on the right.

When I open it, it’s at the beginning. Starts out with RRaddict as the OP. Ends with servoguy.

But searching the community is a good idea, just to see what other stuff comes up with 022 problems.


You are correct. Mike

It’s upside down from the way posts appear in this forum.

I have a non-operating 022 switch track. When I took the motor apart, I noticed a very small spring or wire that was detached but still attached to the U-shaped bar. Where does it attach ? Thanks.

Since we’re talking about a 3-rail Lionel product, I’m moving this thread to Classic Toy Trains Forum.

Have you done a complete inspection of the switch machine? Make sure all contacts are clean and wires connecting to controller posts are firmly soldered. I’ve serviced a bunch of these on my layout and find the above issues plus wires contacting surfaces they shouldn’t are the usual suspects.

MAH, the spring returns the locking bar to the bottom of the switch machine. It is mounted on the bar itself right next to the place where the bar pivots.

This kind of switch problem is typically caused by a missadjusted wiper in the switch motor assembly or a broken connection under the switch. Either way, remove the switch motor and take off the cover. Look at the sliding wipers and clean and check thier adjusment. Take off the bottom plate of the switch and make sure the anti-derail contact straps have not broken loose.