1.8mm LEDs - where can I find those??

Hi everyone,

I’m planning on building a couple of N scale signals and would like to
use 1.8mm (T3/4) LEDs to lite them.

Radioshack and other electronic stores in my neighborhood don’t seem to carry them
and sources on the internet sell them only in large quantities.

Does anyone know where I can buy 10 red and 10 green 1.8mm (T3/4) LEDs?

Thanks for your help - this is driving me nuts…

Check these sources:


Thanks for your reply.

I had checked allelectronics and didn’t see them. On Mouser I can’t find anything
the way their site is setup.

But - I checked again with digikey and finaly found an image of the LEDs
and ordered them. Good deal.

Thanks again!

Digikey is a great place for parts. Newark Electronic Components also a good source.


You could try this link on e-bay:


I’m also scratchbulding N-scale signals but couldn’t find any LEDs smaller than 3mm, so I bought a bunch of those - only then did I find these for sale on e-bay… Not sure whether I’ll just go with the ones I have or buy the smaller ones.

Would be interesting to see how your signals turn out. Are you scratchbuilding them or using some kit?

Thanks for the tip. I found the LEDs at digikey.com

I am scratchbuilding them too, since I couldn’t find any kind of cheap “no-LED” signals or kits.

I started a new topic, that is more fitting to this:

Maybe we can share our progress their and get some others to chime in too.