I was wondering if there are any plans for a commemorative car of any type to celebrate 1000 issues of MR? I’m sure many readers would be interested. N scale for me please.
I was wondering if there are any plans for a commemorative car of any type to celebrate 1000 issues of MR? I’m sure many readers would be interested. N scale for me please.
I’d guess the answer is no. Plans for the 1000th seem laid out for some time and I’ve been savoiring it as it goes along.
I suspect the market for commemorative cars is “freighted” with difficulties nowadays. First, “what’s the prototype?” a few will ask even when the answer is, ahem, rather obvious (and nothing wroing with that in my eyes, BTW). Then how many do you make for HO vs N, vs others?
Might just be easier to offer decals? A whole bunch of younger folks raise their hands and ask “What’s a decal?” Then you have to get them made…
I do like the way MR is bringing us lots of new stuff about the magazines past, or at least long unseen items, keeping the event an historic commemoration
I suspect that MR is concentrating on things it knows best, journalism and media production.
Does MR ever offer commemorative decals?
I would love 1950’s era MR&T decals. I would love custom decals from various project layouts from years gone by.
I like commemorative decals better than commemorative cars. I can decide placement and how much to inlclude. I can als decide car type.
I remember they included “Turtle Creek” decals in one issue quite a while back.
I thought that was a great idea, but they never did it again.
I just did a quick Google search and found MicroScale made decals for the Turtle Creek Central, so I bought a set!
I did a search for a few other project railroads, and found nothing. Not even the Milwaukee Racine and Troy has decals I could find.
Thank you for the tip.
Way way back from time to time they used to print colored cardstock car sides in the magazine that you could cut out and use to make a reefer or boxcar. They might even have been embossed. This was at a time when a commercial freight car kit was also cardstock sides.
Dave Nelson
The Turtle Creek decals were cool. You could put them on any car you wanted but you had to buy or make your own car information decals to match the type car you chose. I picked a Walthers Insulated boxcar.
28’ narrow gauge boxcar - Note this is a modificatiion of Clever Models 20’ On30 Boxcar
MR1000.jpg1_zpsb2mbsvuv by Donald Schmitt, on Flickr
I see no reason for a special car. Most scales have cut back on these types of cars for one reason, they no longer sell.
This sort of car seems to have more of a place in the toy train world.
You say that, but there used to be a 60th anniversary car turning wheels out there in the real world. A freelance 1000th issue car isn’t unbelievable.
I was referring to the toy train enthusiasts being more interested in these type of fantasy cars.
Julian,The majority of the modelers would more then likely buy one…I still have my MR 50th anniversary boxcar and a Athearn W&S MR 75th anniversary boxcars.I still have a 50th anniversary issue still in its original package. I still have my Athearn Col. Hal Carsten observation car.
Ever see one of these? I think the majority of us has some collector in us.
I have to disagree with the comments that few modelers would buy them and relegate them to toy train folks. I also doubt if the majority of modelers would buy them either. There are actually collectors that scoop them up.
They would be in that unique category that apparently sells fairly well. NMRA Heritage Cars are lettered for private roads and they seem to not only sell well but command much higher than retail prices on feebay. The previously mentioned R&MC boxcar done for Tony Koester’s shortline sells there too with little trouble.
There are many custom cars done by clubs, shops and manufacturers for fictitious roads as well as the many TRAINS, Model Railroader & RMC cars that are frequently available on feebay too.
There’s a niche for them. Some folks have a strong distain for them and others seek them out. I personally have quite a few V&O, AM and other cars running along with my accurately lettered cars. So don’t sell the idea of an MR 1,000th Issue Car short. It’s possible. I’m sure if Kalmbach thought they could make a buck from one they would do it. I like the idea of decals better myself then you could letter any car you want and have that flexibility.
Roger Huber
Deer Creek Locomotive Works
I did a few searches for this R&MC Boxcar and did not find anything.
Can you give me some details about this car?
Bowser released a roadrailer trailer, it said “10,000 Trailer and Counting!”
So I guess that could be an anniversary car in someway, shape, or form.
Kevin, Check the photo in BRAKIE’s post above mine! It was a car painted similarly to the prototype car vor the South Branch Valley. Tony Koester had the car lettered for his AM shortline connection.
Roger Huber
Deer Creek Locomotve Works
I didn’t put 2 & 2 together correctly on that one. I thought something for Tony Koester’s shortline would have been set in the 1950’s. I guess that is from the Allegheny Midland before it was backdated.
Kevin, Indeed the R&MC was a short line on Tony’s AM…Also IIRC he was a editor at RMC when this car was released. Notice the tie in?
Its a Roundhouse FMC boxcar and you might find one at a train show or on e-Bay.
I’ll show you two of my cars.
See and Listen also the YouTube “TAKE ME HOME, COUNTRY ROADS - John Denver.” He sings, “Almost Heaven, West Virginia.”