you know about the layout that i am building with 1 foot wide by 3 foot long section mods.
my dad and i need help on the curve base mod. how big of base do we need to use?
you know about the layout that i am building with 1 foot wide by 3 foot long section mods.
my dad and i need help on the curve base mod. how big of base do we need to use?
Your 11" radius track will need at least 22" just to get turned around. The track is measured ‘centerline to centerline’ - so 24" would be good. How far is the track away from the edge of you present module?
it is going to curve on to a other 1 foot wide by 3 foot long mod
2 inchs to the middle of the track from the side
hi Rob,
do you mean this?
If you want the “curve-section” as small as possible you’ll need to omit the straight part. The resulting length will be 2+11+11+2 = 26", a bit less then the 3 feet as drawn.
it is only going to be a half curve then it will hook to a another 1 foot wide by 3 feet long section. the curve mod was going to be one foot by one foot. there will be 4 straght 1 foot wide by 3 feet long section and 4 curve sections
Hi Robert
Are you planning to make a loop using modular benchwork? Say a 1’+ 3’+ 3’+ 1’ with another set right beside the first forming a loop? Or are you planning to just run the benchwork along a wall?
If we know what you are planning we can offer better recommendations.
I think that what Robert is trying to say is that he is planning to make a doughnut shaped layout, consisting of four 1 x 3 foot sides, joined by four corner sections with 11" radius quarter circles.
It is not clear to me whether the mainline runs 2" from the inner edge (ie towards the center pit) or 2" from the outer edge (ie towards the area surrounding the doughnut).
your right stein, it is 2 inchs from the outer edge.
Duplicate post…wonder why?
Call me stupid, but if you really want to know how big a piece to make the quarter or half mod, or if it will fit on your 1’x3’ module, just buy a pack or two of 11"r track and lay it out.
One pack will make half a circle {and two packs will make a whole circle}. lay it out and use painters tape to layout your required module section needed. Then measure what space you need inside the painters tape. A pack of track is relatively innexpensive to do it this way.
You may find your corner piece rather “chunky” compared to the single 1’ x3’ section, but so are the corner mods at train shows.