21 pin decoder plugs

A Walthers SW DCC ready lists it has an 11 pin decoder plug. Do any Digitrax decoders work with this plug? Any harnesses that can be used for an 8 pin decoder an 11 pin plug?

Link? I’m guessing it’s a misprint, and it’s really a 21-pin.

That’s exactly what I am thinking. When I first saw this thread last night, I went and Googled 11-pin and found nothing.


Oops you are correct it is a 21 pin plug. Any idea on decoders from Digitrax that fit or a harness for an 8 or 9 pin decoder to 21 pin socket?

For 21-pin Digitrax decoders, look at any that end with “MT”.

For example, the SDXH187MT.

Ahh, now that makes more sense. You had us going there.
