4x8 N scale Old West layout plan (that's now spinning out of control!)

OK, you asked for it. I had school today so I didn’t have much time. I didn’t go as fay with the scenery, but you get the idea…

How’s this?

OKAY!! Now we’re getting somewhere!

I see you added that hidden staging under the mine area and took my suggestion of adding a wye. You put the wye past the mine siding (which is now a through line, I guess). I was thinking you could put it next to the trestle on the original part of the layout, curving away from the first trestle onto the addition. It could cross just below the mine and connect to the extended mine siding where you have the wye located now.

That’s a pretty long extension on the left side. Nice track layout. Where would you go from there? Maybe a shorter extension that could connect to another module similar to the first or second module?

This is really looking like a layout that should be built!

More! More! We’re still not satisfied!

(I am SOOOOOO envious! I can’t get a single trackplan to work out on ANY of the CAD software! Must be my klutzy-ness!)

Darrell, it’s so hard to be green - with ENVY!, and quiet…for now

Yeah, I mixed it up a bit.

That would work too. I put it where I did on this one because I thought it would be interesting to have a dead ended wye high over another track. Probably more likely that would be out west somewhere, but I’m just playing around, so what the heck!

More,…MORE!!! Not satasfied yet? You’re insatiable!

Oh wait,…I see where this is going!

Tell ya what, why don’t you just give me the dimentions of your basement and your givens and druthers, and we’ll go from there.

It’s just that I’m familiar with the program and I save EVERYTHING!

OK Darrell, quiet,…for now!

You haven’t been so quiet lately.

Is this enough for you?

I decided to make the wye an interseting one, so I made it a scissor wye. You seldom see those modeled, and this is just for giggles, so lets throww caution into the wind, shall we?

Also, our trains now have a place to stretch their legs next to a creek.

Even less scenery then before, but the basic ground contours are there. You’ll get the idea.

Is this enough to fill your basement yet Darrell?

PS - This is one heck of a “4 x 8”!!! I think this thing might be a bit out of control?!? [:D]

hmmmm nice looking layout,it makes my mind wander into the switching scales pondering mode I keep finding myself in.

One sugestion, after the train has ‘stretched its legs’ along the creek and reached its destination , I see a runaround in the middle of the section to get the loco back to the front of the train for the return journy, but maybe a small oldtime wooden turntable could appear at the end of one of those spurs to turn the loco around , I envisage something similar to the one to be seen on Bob Grech’s layout. Or maybe I’m way off base.

Have fun & be safe,

This one looks really nice too.

Here’s a suggestion for those that might want some continuous running:

At the bottom right of your layout, you could have the track that goes into the building , continue on to a hidden track that comes out in the upper left section. Then just put your building on one of the other tracks.

Then when operating the railroad, don’t use the hidden track at all.

Just a thought.

I tend to do that when I see the wide selection of stuff you HO guy’s have to pick from, but then I remember why I started in N in the first place: the scenery to trains ratio.

No, that would be cool!

HEY!!! That is a great idea! How about somehow connecting that with the hidden staging to create a hidden staging / continuous loop design?

I have noted some serious access issues with this plan. It was originally cocieved as a 4x8 with access on three sides. Since that time this monster has grown to incorporate a very large area. Perhaps some reevaluation is in order.

Careful. The Old West has a way of sucking your creative imagination into compulsion. Don’t be surprized if your basement layout turns into a Central Pacific empire and Maine into a pleasant memory.

Thanks for the warning! I’ll take it under advisement. [8D]