4x8 N scale Old West layout plan (that's now spinning out of control!)

I was just goofing around last night and I came up with this track plan for a 4x8 N scale layout. All turnouts are a #7 and no curve is sharper then 15" on the main.

This evening I did some scenery for it. I just thought it had kind of an Old West “feel” to it, so thats the way I dressed it up.

I already have a track plan for myself, but I like doing it for fun (I know, I’m a sick pup!), so, what do you think?

Click to enlarge

The only thing I can think of as a problem is the lack of engines and rolling stock on N. There is the cheapo Bachman set…

And the Atlas 2-6-0…
The MDC 2-8-0 and 2-6-0
Athearn Old time cars
Roundhouse Old Time Boxcars
Model power’s 4-4-0

Whats not to love!

Canadian Shield

I had forgottten about the MDC’s. But I had not herad about the Model Power and the Atlas. I had heard of an Atlas 4-4-0.

I stand corrected.

Chip, I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist this. I’m out to convert you to N!

The MP 4-4-0 is a bit too new (1910ish?), but the Atlas 2-6-0 or the MDC twins would work real well on this.

All thats really a holdup is proper figures, but I guess you could find something, or modify something to work.

Basic track plan has possibilities, just as it is.

Only thing I’d add is a couple of single-ended staging tracks under the mine (I assume) at the top left. (I’m also assuming that you plan to have access all the way around. If not, reaching the turnouts at top center could get to be an adventure.)

Actually, there’s no reason this layout couldn’t be built in HOn30 or HOn3, with some minor adjustment to track spacing.



I like that layout! I’m not sure why you feel it is “Old West”. Older, perhaps, but I think it would work for any period up to mid-20th century.

Having sidings at the top left and bottom right allows for expansion. The only thing I would change on scenery is to add more mountain in the upper left so the track could exit a tunnel directly onto a trestle. I’ve always thought that would look fantastic!

Since you’re so good (and FAST) at doing these trackplans, how about doing a couple more that could be built as add-ons to this one? Maybe adding a second trestle next to the original one, forming a wye, like the Keddie Wye. That would be awesome!

And since you’re already considering that for us, you may as well consider additional modules that could be added to extend the original around the room! I mean, don’t stop while you’re on a ROLL!!

Darrell, surreptitiously trying to get someone to design a layout for me, and quiet…for now

Good points, all of them. And staging,…I had thought about it, but I just couldn’t find a place that seemed natural. I don’t know how I missed that under the mine thing. Thats the spot for it. I think I’ll give that a shot. Thanks!

You’re crackin’ me up man!

I like the ideas though. I’ll have to play with them. (Now let’s see,…the 1950’s…)

Oh, I forgot to add, all curves have easments too!


I was pretty sure you had a brand new layout to start.

You don’t ahve a case of performance anxiety do you?

Actually Chip, I can’t start it till the house is done being built. I guess I’m just stuck in track planning mode.

In fact I think the opposite. It is a really nice layout, but it doesn’t say old west to me. Too much stuff I think. Of course I guess I should ask what is considered old west - 1867-1890???

I think most towns simply had a single station for freight/mail/passenger directly on a single track. The “industries” (stock pens, team track, loading dock) were also placed on the main line. Even the loco servicing was done while it sat on the main.

I think the town in the lower center would have to represent a major city in the old west. Like Dodge City KS, which was a division point for the Santa Fe. A round house - wow. More likely a one or two stall loco shed, seems more old westi***o me.

Then the run around in the center. I think they would run around on the back track and pu***he cars all the way to whatever that industry is. And that makes me think - an industry with two tracks… I don’t know. I don’t know many industries in the old west that were efficient enough to produce enough stuff to require to whole sidings to themself. I could be all wet but I think in the old west they ran the straight rail as far as possible cause they couldn’t afford all those turnouts way out in the middle of no where. Oh yeah, and then it needs ties with round edges. Whack the tree. slice two sides flat and spike the rail. Sometimes with no balast…

Actually the Model Power 4-4-0 is based on an 1872 prototype according to Spookshow.


Canadian Shield

I didn’t know that! I stand corrected!

About 15 years ago , I built a somewhat similar railroad. No roundhouse or a passing track in the middle, but it also included an oval going around the whole thing that was hidden except in the front. Also, my mining industries went into the middle of the layout instead of the outside.
It was a great little railroad that gave me hours of fun.

I really like your variation of it with one exeption:

After you leave your yard (traveling right to left) and go under the bridge, your train enters the tunnel and continues under your second loop. When it comes out from under that track, the grade has to be really steep to get up to the bridge.

Other than that , the plan looks awesome to me.


i’d like to see his source for that information , it doesn’t look like any of the locos i’ve seen pictures of from that time period
this http://www.visi.com/~spookshow/jupiter.html looks like a 4-4-0 from the 1870’s

edit: back on topic …
really nice layout . it shows restraint in not adding so much track that it’s a spaghetti bowl , but has enough track that it shows off the advantages of N over HO
nice work , if someone builds it they’ll have fun . maybe you should save it for the next time MR has a layout design contest [:)]

Thank You

I figure about 2 1/2 - 3% grade, but it wouldn’t be too big a problem if trains are short (like in the old west).

I was thinking the same thing, but I was going to let it go. Maybe he knows something I don’t. I know by the 1880’s loco’s were bigger and they were loosing that “Jupiter” look.

Maybe I will. Thanks!

Perhaps your right, maybe it is better suited to another location.