737 carrier in HO scale

Concept Systems (www.con-sys.com) is offering a flat car model that carries 737-800 fuselages simular to the prototypes that BNSF uses. However they do not offer the airliner body to fit on the car. Does anyone know of a company that offers HO scale or even 1/100 scall 737 airliner plastic models? Concept Systems recommends a 1/100 model, but I cannot seem to find them.

Have you tried contacting Boeing. If anyone knows where you might find one, they should.

Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - with no aircraft of any description)

Great Models has a 737-800 in 1/100 scale by Model Craft Canada listed on their site. It is Not IN STOCK. No 737’s are currently listed on the ModelCraft website.

Found Executive Desktop Models 737’s in 1/100 scale on on Ebay for around $170.

I don’t know of any that are produced. However, I do have a friend (who worked for Boeing) that had a couple of HO scale fuselages made and the difference between them and the 1/100 is remarkable.

You may want to keep your eyes open at swap meets and out of the way hobby shops that may still have the 1/100 scale planes.


Why would a 1:100 scale be reccomennded? That is 20-25% undersize forHO.

Traditionally Airplane models scales are not the same as Railroad model scales.

Airplane scales from smallest to largest:


1/144 often used with N Scale

1/100 mainly expensive porfesionally built desktop display models

1/72 often used with HO Scale

1/48 O Scale


A 1/72 model 737 would be closer to HO scale, less expensive and easier to find than a 1/100 model, but also would probably be too large to fit on the car. So 1/100 scale was suggested.

There have been very few HO scale 1/87 airplanes offered. I believe the largest is a DC3 from Walthers.