844 leaving Houston

I happened to catch the 844 as it was leaving Houston at a road crossing about 5 miles out side of downtown so she was at speed you can make your own guess as to how fast

I’ve never been that close to a Steam Loco at speed I was only 10 feet away from the tracks

you can see my shadow on the ground as the train passes and

the ground was shaking and so was I

I’m sorry for the poor quality video but it was 8:30 am and i was shooting into the sun and yes my hands were shaking


Thank you for sharing!

The last time it came to town I caught it at the crossing in Old Town Spring. But, I missed it this time.

It is really an impressive reminder of how things were done a long time ago.

Thanks for sharing.

My grandson and I chased this one twice in Texas, in 2006 from near Austin to Hearne and in 2010 from Corsicana to Hearne. Great fun. The engine is a beauty.

I hope someday to see Challenger 3985 in action, but someone told me it won’t be travelling this far until after some significant restoration steps?? I’ll have to check out the UP Historical site for any info on that.


My parents used to say I’d get sucked up under the train if I got too close. Don’t know if it’s true, thought I’d get blown away more than anything.


Was that filmed on a Super 8 camera?.. in 1967???[:O]

Not trying to be snide or anything but wow that had the same feeling of the old crapola Super 8 cameras we use to use way WAY back in the day.

As such I think its actually a pretty cool old retro “film” that looks like gramps “old school” stuff that got transferred from Super 8 to VHS then to DVD, Neat! [Y]

No that was filmed with a little canon power shot A560 point and shoot

but since my stroke i’m very shakey and given i was shooting directly into the morning sun at 8 am

i’m lucky i got any thing to come out and of course the ground was shaking also