As many of you may recall we initiated the process to get a train room added to the house, so we can get the trains off the family room floor. WE NOW HAVE THE ROOM!!! [:O][:D][:D][:D]

We started with adding a 420 sq ft room (20x22) over the garage. After going through the entire design and permit process, (approved on July 10, 6 months later), the contractor raised the price $25k. That would have put the room over $100k_. NOT FEASIBLE !!!_ [V][censored][tdn][tdn][tdn][tdn]

So after 2 weeks of deliberation and brainstorming we came up with an alternative. As it turns out the size of the room ends up being 280 sq ft (20x14) for less than 25% of the original room costs. The revised plan also includes a new patio roof as well.



Inside …

Pictures are very basic, but the room was built on Saturday. The adjoining house wall will have an interior finish applied and painted this week, carpet layed next week. Then we will be on our way.

Some idea of some of the layout designs currently being considered are the following. The primary design parameters/goals of the layout are…

  • 072 mainline, capable of handling 2 trains in opposite directions at the same time.
  • Reversing capability

[wow][bow]HALLELULAH [wow][bow]- What a long hard road it has been. The room looks great. I can’t wait to see the final design and the finish layout.

Take care,


Congratulations! Enjoy your new room.


I’m very happy for you! A well deserved and long awaited pleasure I’m sure. BTW I like Layout 3 the best, its got lots of switches and decent sidings. I like switching too but I prefer it when you have to do some careful driving, parallel tracked yards arent as interesting IMHO and they can be hard to switch if they’re all loaded with stock because you cant see the couplings. I prefer a layout that wiggles around a bit like a narrow gauge railroad.

Congrat’s on the new room, what a great location and what a wonderful winter you are going to have. With all the $$$ you saved on construction just think of the new loco’s you can buy :slight_smile: I like all of your choices for layouts. Jon

Great looking room, Don.

I vote for layout # 1

Good luck deciding.


Congratulations! What a saga- it was like following a radio serial or soap opera. I vote for layout #3. [:D]

GREAT!!! Now come finish mine while I’m out your way [CA].[;)]

i like layout design #1 it has more action and you can run more trains at once. congrats on the room keep us posted on your progress.

congrats Don - now get to work! [:D]




Congrats !!!

As you say, now the fun starts! Congratulations! I can hardly wait to see the finished layout! As for which plan, my vote would go to #3, although #1 is a very close second.

Hi Don,

That is great news, to bad you can’t jump right in and start building. But you will have some time to decide. Not sure if I prefer 1 or 3. I assume the white area is aisle space. If so you might want to lay off the beer and snacks, they look pretty tight. [swg]

I just had a thought, since you can’t start building right away, why not ask the forum members for layout suggestions.

First — I really appreciate all the comments and well wishes!! I feel as I have known you guys quite awhile and appreciate the feedback.

John - Not a bad idea, I think what I might do is do a little better job with the layout propossals I am serious about, and put some information with them regarding the strenghts and weakness of each. And throw it out to the forum for comment. The criticism would be great!!! What an opportunity to tap into the vast knowledge base that is available. And the benefit would be real…

Don : that’s great & congratulations !! I know you will like the 72" radius curves, too ! Boy, I could never decide which layout to choose !! Plus, good you’re putting a lot of planning into it,something I’m not too good at, I just say to myself, I want it to go hear & over there !! [:D][:D]

Thanks, John

Nice looking train room and close to the pool too! Can’t wait to see more pics as your layout progresses. Track plans 1 and 3 look fun.



I like layout 3. A dual mainline is nice to have. Two trains runnning on seperate loops is ideal, especially with one or two crossovers.


I’m happy for you. A big part of the fun is the planning and looks like you’ve been doing that. I’m kind of partial to plan three of the ones you’ve shown. Looking forward to more progress and pictures!

Congratulations! I can’t decide which layout I like best, 1 or 3… Very cool!

Well best of luck to you on your new layout.