A Big Boy color question

I know I saw an old Big Boy model made by AHM? that was all black. I really like the look, almost gives the illusion that the engine is even longer than it is. The question is, was there a real BB that was all black? Also, does anyone make an all black version today. I saw a Riv ad that had a picture of an all black bb(4003 I think) but after a phone call, I found out that all the Rivarossi BB’s are silver and black. I could get an old all black bb,but they probably dont run nearly as good as the new ones.

No UP steam engine ever displayed a silver smokebox during the steam era, in the same manner none ever wore pure black either, what you are seeking is graphite which could vary quite bit in shade depending on age, formula and even the whim of shop forces who frequently applied their own-non standard mixtures for graphite. Unlike some roads, UP did not jacket these areas, thus a heat tollerable finish was mandatory. For some odd reason, most UP static display steam locomotives do have silver smokeboxes, probably far cheaper and enviormentaly friendly compared to graphite and easier to apply.

I have four vintage Tenshodo versions, all display the silver smokebox so even the brass importers got it wrong, (ditto my United D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2, since repainted to correct specs).


The Big Boy you saw was actually a Rivarossi model, imported by AHM from about 1967 until 1980. I have one of those Big Boys, and you’re right, it does look pretty cool.[:D] Rivarossi painted them all black probably because it was cheaper than multiple colors. Later on, they did play around with the multiple colors on their Big Boys, like #4002 having a light gray boiler and black smokebox and firebox. I think they also painted a few all gold at one time in the AHM era.

I’ve never heard of an actual Big Boy that was painted all black, although I have seen some pretty interesting paint jobs in old pictures (#4005 was painted black with a graphite smokebox and red firebox at one time [%-)]).

Thanks for the replies. Im wondering why most of the new Athearn Genesis and Riv Big Boys are silver and black? Personally, I dont really like the look of the silver, like was said before the graphite is correct and looks better(my opinion only) I noticed that Walthers has a mistake in there catalog. They show a picture of an all black Rivaossi Big Boy(4003)when in fact none of the new Riv’s are all black. This mistake is carried forth onto other sellers sites who, probably copied the picture off of Walthers.

That “red Paint” was a experminental high temp coating, also 4005 was the only example of a Big Boy that was converted to oil fuel in 1946, it was a utter failure and lasted as such less then a year…4005 must have been the pet of the fleet as it always seemed to display non standard white trim and other unique paint details…


I read that #4005 (I think) was also in a massive train wreck, with its cab completely destroyed, wheels bent, pipes broken, and whatever else you can imagine. It had quite an eventful life![:O]

The honor for the most jinxed engine should be bestowed upon 4-8-2 #7002, it was involved in three accidents during it’s service life with loss of life in every instance. I’ve not heard any details involving incidents with the four thousands, no doubt, as you stated they probably caused grief from time to time and might help explain the 4005 being sometimes unique, always in the shop for tripped toes!!!


I happen to own a Rivarossi big boy, the first run they ever made, that is all black, #4005. Of course it runs like trash, but it’s a keepsake. I’m fairly sure I’ll like my Blueline Big Boy better.