With only three or four days left before exhibiting the layout, I took the decision to rip up some scenery and realign a track.
No, I’m not going mad, but it has long been my intention to increase the operating potential at the east end of the layout. One of the track upgrades I did last year moved 2 industries that had been switched by the East operator, over to the West yard operator - RHPD Paints and Shultz Shipping.
Also, the loco yard rarely gets used to it’s full potential during a show or operating session.
Therefore I decided to upgrade Morgan’s Tools (Larry/Brakie) to a rail-served industry, realign a track and create another small freaght yard, as yet unnamed.
First I removed the buildings, fuelling point and scenery from the area
Then the track that required a small realignment was lifted
The area was then covered in plaster to simulate inlaid rails
Once the plaster has dried, I will paint it to resemble dirt