Adding a RSS link of this forum to my RSS reader?

Hi everybody, I didn’t know where to post my thread so feel free to move it in a different section.

I would like to know if it’s possible to add a RSS link of the different sections of this forum to add to my RSS reader? This way, I would be able to read all the posts made by everybody in one view.

Is it possible and how can I do it?

I don’t know about the MR Forums, but I found this about the Trans Forum RSS feed…

2.) The RSS feed. It’s back, but it won’t last forever. Our experts say we are among the few websites to support RSS and future software will not support it at all. For now, you can link to it here:

RSS used to be the latest thing. I never did it, because I was always too old-fashioned to figure it out. Now I’m feeling really out of the loop. What do people use instead of a RSS feed to do what it did?

An alternative…It took me three years, but I eventually noticed that when I go to the Forums page (listing the categories), the View Recent Postings button at the top lets me see what’s been posted listed latest to older. So I just start going down that list to where I see I’ve caught up. Much better (for me) then checking each category.

Maybe that’s the web address you want your RSs thingy to monitor. I don’t know what that is, but hope this may help.