Adding Keep Alive to Bachmann basic decoder

Hi all,

I have tried putting a TCS KA3 in a Bachmann 45Tonner. Before trying to cram it into the cab I tried it out and it doesn’t seem to work very well. I connected the KA3 to the output of the bridge rectifier. The problem is that you have to have CV 50 set to 4 otherwise it stops on DC. But you need to set momentum high or it slows to a stop very quickly. Is there a better place to connect the KA or do I need to replace the decoder?

TIA Alan

Seems strange, if it’s on the output of the rectifier, the loco should keep going using the last known command, unless those decoders have a ridiculously short packet timeout set. I’d probably just put in a better decoder as a matter of principle, those DCC On-Board ones aren’t very good to begin with. I have a TCS M1 in mine. No keep alive, and it runs at slow speed over unpowered frogs just fine.


I would have to agree with Randy. The output of the full wave bridge is where all the DC power for the decoder is formed. That is where the keep alive is needed.


Thanks Randy and Rich,

I think I’ll get the ESU Select micro, I believe it will fit and can be programmed with the 45 tonner sound files.

That’s what I REALLY intend for mine - I want sound. Bit first I need to strip and repaint it. While the PRR scheme it wears now is accurate, I don’t do PRR. I’m going to paint and letter it for one of my cement plants.


Over the past few years in different forums many have replaced Bachmann decoders with a better brand. It is known that Bachmann uses a low end Lenz non sound decoder in their DCC on board. They are so bad that NCE came up with a light board decoder, the Bach-DSL for the Bachmann standard diesels.

Bachmann sound use SoundTraxx.

You can also follow what Bachmann does in the Bachmann forums. Lots of good info there. and good service.

Do not know what you have about stay alive but you might like this link.


Thanks Rich, I had a look at Marcus’s site before I started, and I just had another read through it, but I could’t see anything new to try. I think a new decoder is the answer. cheers Alan

I just looked at two 45 ton versions at the Bachmann parts pages. Which version do you have?

I see a sound version and a non sound version.


I have the non-sound version. One motor.

Hi again Rich,

It looks like this with it’s clothes off.

45 Tonner

Never ceases to amaze me how complicated some of these manufacturers can make a board that simply prodivded directional constant lighting for DC. Is it any wonder my standard method for installing DCC starts with removing that junk? My 44 tonner has just as complex a board in it - for the DC model!


I have the exact same model. How are the lights powered off of that board? I was thinking of a loksound micro. So far I have had no trouble with unpowered frogs. It might be different with sound.

I love the little side rods

Must have something to do with the “WOW” factor, with a dose of intimidation along with it. “Nothing I can do here! better send it somewhere for repair.”

Like the useless Athearn board. After reading your post on the topic, about 4 locomotives ago, I started taking them out. Much better, and much more room.


On the right side of the picture are a pair od 3 pin devices which I might think are contat current drivers for the LEDs, except that if they are, then I’m not sure of the purpose of the large resistors, one just to th right of the motor and the other above the 2 inductors. They are physically larger thant he other surfae mount resistors because they are a higher wattage rating., which would point to them being used for LED current limiting. There appear to be 2 large diodes over the motor plus a row of 4 just to the right of the motor, which is what you’d need for conventional directional constant lights, except that white LEDs need about 3V to work and you won’t get that from that diode arrangement alone.

Front LED (or is that the back?) appears to be on its own little board, so you cna reuse that, solder decoder wires to the board. Unless it’s one of those blue-white ones Bachmann likes to use, that would generally be incorrect for the loco’s vintage.


Well that is one I saw but could not tell if it is a decoder or just a PC board for directional lighting for a DC model. Bachmann called it a PC board I think.

Similar to my 44 ton but mine had solder points for a decoder.


It does have decoder solder points, they just go across, about in the niddle, instead of along an edge like on my 44 tonner.


This is the DCC Decoder version. I don’t like the growl sound (from pulsing the motor not from a speaker) it makes at low speed so I will look into an ESU Mini, I’m pretty sure there is a ESU sound file for the 45 tonner.

Item 73844 is the dual Cat diesel sound for the 44 tonner for Select Micro. Unfortunately they have not yet upgraded that one to Full Throttle.


I don’t see one for the 45 but the 44 was also 2 Cat diesels, of slightly larger horsepower 180 vs 150. They have the 44 #74444