Does anyone know of an model railroad magazine article published, that gave details of how to convert the IHB 0-8-0 to a 2-8-2?
I am planning on doing this to a static model and would like a basic guide of what can be done.
To further this can anyone suggest where I could find, or knows who produce any of the following in O gauge:
Brass or Plastic Road Pilots.
Spoked Pilot Wheels
Rear pilot and wheels
Tender Tucks
Baldwin builders plates.
If anyone does have a copy of the article, would you be able to scan it in and e-mail it to me?
If anyone else has any other idea’s or experience at converting the 0-8-0 to a 2-8-2, 2-8-0 or any other wheel configuration - I would love to hear from you.
this is possibly the info you’re looking for , found by using the “Index of Magazines” at the very top of this webpage
A Mikado, a Berkshire and an 0-6-0 from AHM’s IHB 0-8-0 kit
Railroad Model Craftsman, November 1977 page 66
i don’t have the magazine , but at least this is a start [:)]
Now does anyone know where Ic oudl get a copy of this article from?!? A long shot I know - but would be very surprised if I could find a copy of it in the UK!
I’ve got an article somewhere to do a powered conversion from two 0-8-0s to a 2-8-8-2. If you are interested in that I can hunt it up (its probably in the storage unit).
No problem, you know you are an O scaler when you have the links for those suppliers high on the bookmark list, and have the NWSL catalod PDF downloaded and shortcutted on your desktop!
I’ll shoot a photo of the “beast” in the next few days, and post it here.