Alton Junction - Chicago

Alton Junction in Chicago had its beginnings well before the start of the 20th century. It was constructed by a joint venture among five different railroads – the Chicago & Western Indiana (C&WI), Chicago & Alton (C&A), Chicago, Madison & Northern (CM&N), Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago (PFW&C) and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe (AT&SF). The C&A and CM&N were later acquired by the Illinois Central Railroad. The PFW&C eventually became the Pennsylvania Railroad.

Source: Industrial History: The Tower for the 21st Street Crossing Used to be Elevated

In the 1940s, 10 different railroads met at the Alton Junction at 21st and Canal Streets, just a few short miles southwest of downtown Chicago. The 10 railroads were the Illinois Central, Chicago & Alton, Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe, Pennsylvania, Chicago & Western Indiana, Chicago & Eastern Illinois, Erie, Wabash, Monon and Grand Trunk Western.


The Alton Junction, more commonly known as the 21st Street Crossing, at one time had 26 diamonds to control over 150 trains daily through the junction. Alton Junction was controlled by a manned interlocking tower until 2005 when Amtrak transferred control to its new Chicago Terminal control center. At the north end of Alton junction is a huge vertical lift bridge that spans the South Branch of the Chicago River.

Source: Industrial History: 21st Street Crossing or Alton Junction

Running from south to north across Alton Junction was the double mainline of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Just to the west of the PRR double mainline was the 4-track Chicago & Western Indiana mainline, running from south to north and turning east over the PRR tracks just before the PRR vertical lift bridge. The Illinois Central and Santa Fe tracks ran from west to east crossing the PRR and C&WI tracks at Alton Junction. The Chicago & Alton also ran a double track mainline parallel to the Illinois Central and Santa Fe tracks, running from west to east before turning north onto the PRR tracks right before the PRR vertical lift bridge.

The destination of the Pennsyvania and Chicago & Alton passenger trains was Union Station. The Illinois Central passenger trains were headed to Central Station. The six railroads running on the 4-track C&WI mainline and the Santa Fe passenger trains were headed to Dearborn Station.

The double mainline PRR tracks ran south to north across the PRR vertical lift bridge into Union Station. The C&A passenger trains also used Union Station. In those days, the C&WI route was a four-track main line that paralleled the PRR on the west, running from the south to north. At the junction, the C&WI tracks crossed the IC and then curved northeast and crossed the PRR double mainline carrying passenger trains on their way to Dearborn Station. Passenger trains of the Wabash, Erie, Grand Trunk, Chicago & Eastern Illinois and Monon — as well as C&WI’s own commuter trains — used these tracks.


In addition to scheduled passenger trains, Alton Junction also saw numerous C&WI transfer movements from Dearborn Station to the coach yards south of the crossing where Erie, Monon, C&EI, GTW and Wabash equipment was serviced. In addition, mail and express trains, as well as freight trains on the PRR, IC and C&A took place across the junction in very large numbers. The interlocking, required to be manually operated, resulted in Alton Junction being the largest and most active of all the Chicago rail junctions.

Most of this interlocking is gone now. Only 4 of the 26 diamonds still remain. Northeast of the existing diamonds, there is now a park instead of the four-track C&WI main. The ATSF tracks and passenger train facilities disappeared in the 1970’s, and the C&A tracks east of the junction have been torn up as well. The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) now runs an elevated commuter train line from Midway Airport parallel to the old IC and Santa Fe tracks across Alton Junction above the old PRR double track mainline before turning east at 18th Street.

Source: Google Images

The former Pennsylvania Railroad mainline, running north-south, is now owned and operated by Amtrak as the southern gateway to the Union Station complex. The Norfolk Southern’s Chicago Line and the former BNSF Southern Transcon terminate at the southern entrance to the interlocking, but both NS and BNSF trains have trackage rights over the lift bridge to access the BNSF east–west main line. All of Amtrak’s east coast bound and Michigan trains use this track. The east–west line now belongs to the Canadian National Railway. It at one time was owned by Illinois Central and was the carrier’s route out of its Central Station to Iowa.


I remember taking the Land 'O Corn and the Hawkeye into and out of Central Station and later Amtrak’s Blackhawk to CUS through the interlocking. Such fascination for a young kid.

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I always love those kinds of great memories. Thanks for posting.


Thank you Rich!! Can’t say enough about how much you know I think it is great you should work in a railroad museum I would definitely go.


Nah, there are guys on this forum who would put me to shame with their knowledge. I start this threads to provoke them into replying so that I learn more. :rofl:


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That shows true wisdom!


A really interesting question about Alton Junction is the presence of Alton/GM&O track east of the crossings between the C&WI main and the ATSF/IC mains. There doesn’t seem (at least to me) any obvious target for those tracks. Alton/GM&O shared the right-of-way east of Bridgeport, if not actual track, with AT&SF and IC, so access to the track for the GM&O wouldn’t be a problem.

The Santa Fe Coachyard lead at Alton Jct. went off the south side of the right-of-way east of the crossings even though the Santa Fe’s main shifted north to join the C&WI before the “Dearborn Trench”.


I wondered about that as well. But, in researching Alton Junction, I read that these tracks were only used by C&A freight trains, presumably headed for the ICRR freight houses. The Pennsylvania Railroad also had a connecting track to the ICRR tracks for freight trains.


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Not sure what your question is here. As you indicated, the Santa Fe coach yard and engine servicing facilities were east of the PRR and C&WI mainlines on a very large plot of land and very close to Dearborn Station, a mere mile to the north.

Immediately west of the crossing at Alton Junction, the 2-track AT&SF mainline joined the 2-track Illinois Central mainline headed east. Immediately east of the crossing at Alton Junction, the AT&SF continued onto the C&WI North Bound Main, while the ICRR tracks rose up an incline to join the St. Charles Air Line. Right after the crossing, two AT&SF tracks left the ICRR tracks and proceeded east into the AT&SF coach yard area.

Once at Dearborn Station, AT&SF motive power would leave the station on the South Bound Main. As that motive power approached the curve at 15th Street, there was a crossover track to the East Lead and after the curve another crossover to the two lead tracks leading into the AT&SF coach yard. One of those two lead tracks, the lower one, led east directly into the AT&SF Inbound and Outbound freight houses.

So, all in all, that track complex gave AT&SF close-in access to Dearborn Station and its freight houses, a lot closer than access by the five owner roads.


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about how far was this junction from Dearborn Station?


Alton Junction is at 21st Street and Dearborn Station is at 8th Street, so 13 city blocks, just over 1 1/2 miles. Add to that a curve that adds another half mile. So, the two locations are about 2 miles apart by rail.


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I was just curious ,I’m trying to grasp the size of Chicago I was there once back around 1993 for my cousins wedding but only downtown beautiful place, thank you Rich


At its greatest extent, Chicago stretches from north to south and 15 miles from east to west. The total area is 228 square miles.


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And the Chicago Switching District, in general terms, runs for the Indiana line around Lake Michigan and North to the Wisconsin line and about 30 miles inland from the lake.



Here she be!

Relive your childhood, Gramp.


Source: Flickr


Great threads on Chicago’s many junctions. A couple of comments:

  1. Back in the 70s when i started railfanning I found it much more interesting to be in a tower (if permitted). The up to date information was valuable, but just as interesting was the “chatter” between dispatchers and towers and trains. Thus, i became a big “tower fan”. Of course towers rapidly went away as technology advanced…at least manned towers. There are still a few, but security regulations do not allow visitors. Last tower I was in was Ridgely in Springfield, Il. The operator was quite friendly and we had a great chat, until I had to leave to make a sales appointment.
  2. Part of my sales territory was Chicago and the junctions, crossings, etc were a delight to check out. My favorite was Brighton Park on the near SW side. The old GMO St. Louis line crossed ex PRR, ex B&O CT, and Chicago Junction. It was near Archer Ave and Western Ave. It was a manual interlocking which meant all trains had to stop. Plus it had semaphore signals. It was in use in the mid 2000’s. Great place.
  3. I still enjoy the “chatter”. I still am in sales, but primarily work from home…very few sales calls. But, I monitor the Fostoria, Oh web cam and listen in to the “chatter”. As I type this, CSX151 is turning the corner from C&O to B&O with the daily Detroit to N.W. Ohio intermodal.

Great discussions here.


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One more thing.

John Szwajkart had a great manual - “Train Watchers Guide to Chicago”. I wore out a couple copies. Also had a great map. About 230 pages of the junctions with maps and photos, mostly towers.


It’s fun starting these threads and then have other forum members chime in. By time a thread runs its course, I know a lot more than I knew when I started the thread.


I have a copy of that book. What a great resource!

I also have a DVD by John Szwajkart called The AT&SF In Chicago, a lengthy slide show. Great stuff.
