American Flyer parts

While I have my favorite Lionel parts dealers, I really don’t have much experience buying American Flyer parts. Does anyone have any suggestions on American Flyer parts dealers?


Contact Doug at Portlines. He is the Jeff Kane of Flyer parts. Doug is my primary source.

I’ll second that. Portlines should be your vendor of choice for American Flyer parts.


Hobbysurplus bought all the parts when A.C.Gibert closed, and still has many original parts and shells available. Read the story here. Scroll down to “It All Started With A Coathanger”.


“Contact Doug at Portlines. He is the Jeff Kane of Flyer parts. Doug is my primary source”

Hey guys, Jeff Kane ( has lots of Flyer parts too!


An eBay search on “American Flyer Parts” can bring up some useful items. A lot of AF parts vendors have standing auctions.

Thank you for the recommendations!
Years ago I purchased parts from Leventon Hobby Supply, but I think they are no longer in business.
I am familar with Hobby Surplus Sales, and have purchased from them in the past.
Port Lines seems to be receiving glowing recommendations! [:)]