I’ve seen Atlas’ B32-8 in Amtrak California paint, and I’ve seen the F95PHI engines. What I haven’t seen is the Silverliner two story cars that Amtrak California uses. I’ve seen the stock Silverliner cars with the red, white, and blue Amtrak stripes. Amtrak CA uses a blue and orange-ish wave to theirs. Anyone seen them? Or am I forced to use the r, w, & b, and either deal, or paint them myself?
Amtrak of California’s cars are not Superliners. It seems like models of them have been made in brass, but not plastic.
The “California Cars” are available in plastic in a kit form. Have a look at the link…
They say they have them RTR, but I can’t find it on the web site…
They used to have a RTR link. If I remember correctly, their RTR cars are around $125. Considering the work involved, that isn’t a bad price (I have constructed many cars using brass and styrene sides) if you aren’t comfortable or aren’t prepared for taking on a project like that.
Just e-mail them and let them know what you want. They are really good about getting back on requests.
Union Station Products WERE going to do RTR versions of the California Cars but they deleted them. They told me that the “master model builder” they had retained had begged off on the project. This is now the second time that a company promising RTR California Cars has not come through. The other was Absolute Scale Models which went out of business before they produced any cars. Overland had some brass offerings but they are almost impossible to find. I have a Cab Car and it’s missing the interior lighting.
I would order USP’s kits but they are unpainted and I don’t have an airbrush. I suspect without an airbrush they will look terrible.
absolute scale models had them at a good price too. Only 100 dollars per car. Pretty cheap for brass.
Sorry for the false hope.