I am looking ofr some phase 1 1970’s Amtrak equipment and some new routes like Cajon Pass, Techleppi (sorry can’t spell that), Western routes for MSTS i don’t know how to register @ train-sim and railserve most oof the time u have to pay.
any help???
You don’t have to pay at railserve and train-sim just takes persistence to get in. Just slow down and follow the directions. There is the registration for the forums and for downloads on Train-Sim. They are different.
There is a ton of Amtrak equipment on Train-Sim.
If you want full operation you may purchase the Cajon Pass add-on from 3D Train Stuff, and the High Desert Rails Expansion Pack (from the same company: http://www.3dtrainstuff.com), in which there are a few sessions with F40 powered Amtrack trains.
Yea, the 3-D stuff is well worth the money !!!
The NALW stuff on Train-SIm covers just about all the Amtrak locomotives ever run, including GG-1’s and Genesis sets. There are some really nice Amtrak cars available there too.
The 3dTrains stuff is nice too. They provide the Pepsi can loco.