I have the track layed and runs smooth, do I ballast now or wait till I have the ground cover done?[?]
I do believe you do the ground cover first.
Your choice. It can be done either way.
Like FThunder11, I prefer to do the ground cover first. I just find it easier to do the ground cover up to the edge of the cork roadbed, then later put the ballast on the cork so that it overlaps, very slightly, the ground cover.
I think the track should be ballasted as soon as possible…the track can move out of gauge if it’s not ballasted and ballasting it right away is going to glue the track and the track ties in place so that it will never move again…I usually do ground cover first a few inches right in the track vicinity then ballast the track right away…Chuck
I ballast track first. To keep it in place. Then do the ground cover. Grass and weeds are always coming up thru the ballast on real RR’s were the ballast and side ditch meets.
I did the ground cover first, but either way is fine if …if you first paint your ‘earth’ tone (light shade of tan latex) right up to the tracks…heck, I’d even go right under them. Then, once you have ballasted, wet with glue solution (or more paint?) around the ballast, and sprinkle ground cover up to the ballast.
If you ballast later, the coarser cround cover will show up ‘rooted’ in the shallow edge ballast, a natural effect.
Try a section each way.
thanks guys, appreciate the advice, I 'm sure I’ll need more : )