Another new F unit, the FP9 to be released

AT long last Rapido is showing off its new FP9, this is a preproduction model.

Well I know now that Walthers will not be doing this model in CPR, CNR or VIA colours.

Note for those that find the engine to be too expensive, Intermountain has these in the Canadian roadnames.

Not sure if I will order a set or not.

The Rapido FP9’s are a true representation of a Canadian FP9. The Intermountain version is not. I have the Intermountain versions in various paint schemes but they will be on Ebay once I get the Rapido versions.

TA462 is right about the Rapidos. Except for maybe a brass model, these are the only true representations of the Canadian Pacific FP9s, and I believe they’ll have a correct passenger car set to match. The full sets will certainly be expensive, but boy are they gonna look good! I wish I could afford Rapido’s products, because then I would get a Turbo Train.[:D]

Wow, that is one good looking train. The details on those are terrific. I’ve never owned any Rapido products, maybe I should get that train when it releases.

Do they do like Walthers, and release the train in pieces, or will the entire train be available?

I’m not even a CP fan and I want that train on my layout. Are their prices high?

If you go to the Rapido site you will see that if you want a set you are purchasing the entire set at once. The do not release a car a month as does Walthers. The passenger cars will only be availble as a complete set, The engines will however be available some time after the full sets are released.

As I was thinking about the set I decided to order one. Hopefully I am not too late.

I just placed my preorder. Thats gonna be a wicked cool passenger train.

I had a set pre-ordered before I lost my job…and now that I’ve got a budget again, I’m in N scale. Life is unfair.

I’ve got a VIA Rail set on preorder for my (cough) collection and I’m seriously considering ordering the 2 CP sets as well. The order deadline is August 5th I believe. Jason is talking these on a Canada wide tour to show them off. For all you Southern Ontario guys, they will be at Canadian Model Trains in Mississauga TODAY and Georges Train in Markham on Wednesday. I’ll be at Georges to see them. If I’m going to hand over 3 grand for two more sets I want to see them first. [:P]

From what I’ve been able to figure out, you can buy the entire train for 1500 clams or so. That includes 10 cars, 2 A units, and one B unit. That’s alot of scratch.

Or, it seems that you will be able to buy the entire train individually as well, with the exception of the B unit, which is only available with the trainset.

I’m coughing up the dough for the complete set because I’m scared that like with alot of Rapido stuff, alot of the individual stuff will sell out before I can get it here in Texas.

I’ve waited half my life to have a proper CP stainless train, and this train looks like it will raise the bar that much higher for the rest of them.

There’s a company in Canada that is also going to do a resin kit of the silver painted heavyweight coaches that were often cut into the Canadian as well. I think it’s BGR Group, but I’m not sure. You’ll need one or two of those cars as well as the stainless cars to be completely accurate…

I hope Jason has them at the Oklahome City train show…

Jason had the LRC and the A locmotive test shots at my closest local hobby shop last weekend.Both those units were good looking.If they sell the Park cars separatly I’d be in line for them. I can’t justify $1500 for the full train though, as it would never run on my layout ( not and do the train set justice at any rate ) I don’t think anyone will be disapointed by them though.


Sorry guys but the cars will not be sold individually. You buy the complete set or you do without. Same goes for the B unit, it’s only included in the set. Actually you get a mail in card for it from what I’ve heard. I think this is a huge mistake. If I’m buying a FP9A then I want the B unit as well. Same goes for the cars. I wouldn’t mind picking up a few extras.

As much as I like the Rapido offerings, I think Jason is making a mistake. $1500 a box is a bit steep, especially right now. I would love to have a CPR set but at that price, I’m sure my next stop is going to see a lawyer for the divorce the wife is going to want. I agree that if the “PARK” car was available separately, they WOULD sell out rather quickly as no one else has this unique car. I would have bought one for sure.

Just me 2 cents


As a point of clarification.

Rapido will be releasing two FP9’s. The CPR of Canadian fame and do not forget they are also releasing the FP9 CNR versions as well.

While the Canadian FP9 will be mainly as a full set with passenger cars and a B unit the CNR will be released only as an A unit, there was no mention I have run across of a B unit and the passenger cars for CN have already been released with the exception of a tail end car.

I would not be surprised to see the CNR Super Continental or a Continental Limited released.sometime in the future.

I understand Jason’s reasoning for offering the train piece-wise. I spoke to him just after the announcement…I also was reverent about him dropping the planned MRC decoder…but that is another story.

Look at what Walthers does. They always have left-over less-loved cars that fewer people wish to purchase. The result is a stock that becomes discounted because of overstock.

Another issue is the plating. It is not intended to match anyone else’s finish. He has no intention of releasing any compromised units to fill anyone else’s roster. A Rapido car coupled with a Walther’s CPR-foobie will look way out of place.

The price point is steep…I will grant that, however, In the end you will have the finest, most accurate complete passenger train in Model Railroader history…period…backed by the best , and goofy-est, MR company to be borne out of the Great White North…eh!


Wait a minute, so my preorder does not include the B-Unit? How the hell do we get those?

Edit: OK I understand the set includes 2 A-Units, and a coupon to purchase the B-Unit. And has 10 passenger cars.

  • FP9A No. 1406
  • FP9A No. 1407
  • Baggage-Dormitory #3017
  • Coach #111
  • Coach #120
  • Skyline #515
  • Diner Louise
  • Sleeper Chateau Argenson
  • Sleeper Chateau Rigaud
  • Sleeper Amherst Manor
  • Sleeper Douglas Manor
  • Dome Lounge Sleeper Yoho Park
  • Coupon for F9B No. 1900 (Available only to purchasers of The Canadian; NOT available separately)

I know that Rapido strivess for perfection. Their quality control is a bit lagging in my opinion. The last two items I perchased from them had issues. First the steam generator car had electrical issues, I had to disassemble it and resolder some wires to the board. And second the wide vision caboose I got yesterday had several issues. One exhaust stack is leaning about 1.5 scale feet to one side, the cupola wasn’t even attached correctly, 1 wheel set fell out of each truck, on one end one marker lights is three times brighter than the one on the other side.

The caboose I would not have accepted if I had gone and picked it up at the LHS, but my wife did if for me because I had to work.

Now I am not trying to bash Rapido but I am 2 for 2 with issues on the 2 items I have purchased from them. But I am sceptical as to wether I will purchase anything else from them. Especially for the price range of their products.


What blows my mind is assuming 500 bucks for both lcos with sound and DCC, that’s 100.00 for EACH of the 10 passenger cars.

That’s 50% more than any plastic passenger car ever before in history. Of course, like fools, we’ll buy it, me included. I have the block set coming,and I’ll probably end up buying the CP Rail set as well. Like a fool.

Those prices are absolutely mind blowing.

I love Rapido’s stuff, but lately their quality control has been lacking, I’ll agree. Others here have mentioned issues, all of which I’ve experienced.

The CP cabooses have lighting, but they lack the white tail end tracklights. Those were one of the main features on those CP cabooses.

Also, the interior lights are so bright in mine, it looks like there’s a bonfire going on.

Nice caboose though, especially for CP and CSX guys.

For a guy who’s about to drop 3 large on two trainsets, these sets had better be P E R F E C T!

I also don’t understand the China thing. The quality control is lacking. You’d think that with the 10s of thousands of out of work tradesmen in the both US and Canada, these companies could find a decent place closer to home to produce this stuff, and keep our money HERE. And I’m not picking on Rapido here. Walthers, Life Like, Atlas, Bowser, Tru Line, Broadway, MTH, Athearn, they are all the same

First of all except for those of you who model Canadian railroading, Rapido is just a small blip on the radar. It is great that they are making such proto specific items, however I suspect that costs are high, volume low and a leverage over their China supplier is weak. All leading to the high prices and quality control issues.

As one who does model anything in or about Canada, Rapido has yet to make a product I need, let alone at a price I would pay. That said, the same is true of a few other product lines out there right no

Another one? Anybody remember back in the '70s when FPs were virtually non-existant and there were several articles in the hobby press about kitbashing using this or using that etc. etc, and soforth. Now it seems like everybody and their brother wants to offer an FP something or other.