What blows my mind is assuming 500 bucks for both lcos with sound and DCC, that’s 100.00 for EACH of the 10 passenger cars.
That’s 50% more than any plastic passenger car ever before in history. Of course, like fools, we’ll buy it, me included. I have the block set coming,and I’ll probably end up buying the CP Rail set as well. Like a fool.
Those prices are absolutely mind blowing.
I love Rapido’s stuff, but lately their quality control has been lacking, I’ll agree. Others here have mentioned issues, all of which I’ve experienced.
The CP cabooses have lighting, but they lack the white tail end tracklights. Those were one of the main features on those CP cabooses.
Also, the interior lights are so bright in mine, it looks like there’s a bonfire going on.
Nice caboose though, especially for CP and CSX guys.
For a guy who’s about to drop 3 large on two trainsets, these sets had better be P E R F E C T!
I also don’t understand the China thing. The quality control is lacking. You’d think that with the 10s of thousands of out of work tradesmen in the both US and Canada, these companies could find a decent place closer to home to produce this stuff, and keep our money HERE. And I’m not picking on Rapido here. Walthers, Life Like, Atlas, Bowser, Tru Line, Broadway, MTH, Athearn, they are all the same