I posted earlier regarding building out a layout very similar to the Dave Frary PRR layout which I’ve posted a picture of my plan here.
My question is on layout access. I despise cutouts or access hatches and am thinking about alternatives. For train derail access, I have placed tunnels where my reach is too far and will be able to access from under the layout.
The section to the above right will also have a movable wall behind it to get to the back of the layout if need be. In addition, I have found numerous inexpensive “creeper” ladders on the market that I thought I’d buy for the occasional need to get to scenery in the inaccessible areas.
Finally, although I do not intend on dismantling unless I move, the plan will be modular in the build so I intend on build out track/scenery to completion those areas that are too far to reach once built out.
Any thoughts from anyone on this approach?