Another Vintage Lionel TV Ad: Must See TV

About this time last year, I told you all about an old Lionel TV ad that I had found on Comcast’s On-Demand menu. There is now a “new” one. This 1960’s ad opens with a fighter jet landing and a test pilot extoling the features of Lionel trains. A fairly good sized layout is shown and several different trains are running at once, including a General set and a Santa Fe F3 set. To see the ad on Comcast, follow the path below. The Lionel ad is approximately 7-8 minutes into the program, right after an ad for Battlewagon toy ships. Two ads later, at approximately 10 minutes into the program, there is an ad for another toy train set. Here’s the path to take on Comcast’s menu:

On-Demand Channel

Scroll to The Cutting Edge category

Something Weird category

Trailer Trash category

Retro Toy’s 1

Again, the Lionel ad is approximately 7-8 minutes into the program. You can fast-forward to it if you desire.



I can not access that program as I have DirecTV, need info for what channel, like is it TV Land or Hallmark or HBO E or W.

Jim your directions are most illogical, SPOCK!

I happen to watch the original Star Trek series with Cpt. Kirk & Spock.

Lee F.

It’s a Comcast-only thing. On-Demand is a Comcast feature that lets you watch all kinds of stuff not broadcast on channels, like this ad. Sorry Philly.

So has any one tried watching the Lionel ad yet? I mean besides my buddy, Lee.[;)]


I have comcast on demand, but haven’t made my way there yet.

But the bigger question is, why is it filed under Trailer Trash, and what is my buddy Jim doing in the trailer trash section?


Jim- I was hoping there was a Pepsi Commercial with the Chief singing this jingle with Dennis & Roy providing Backup- “Pepsi Cola hits the spot.,12 Full ozs that’s a lot, twice as much for a nickel too.Pepsi Cola’s the drink for you” [;)][;)][:P][:P] Visualize this: A Train with Flatcars & Bottles of Pepsi on them comes out of nowhere while the jingle is sung & the Chief & his gang each grab a bottle off the Flatcar’s. Pretty neat,Huh? [;)][:)][:o)] Take Care all.

I can often be found on “the wrong side of the tracks”, Frank. You can take the boy out of the trailer, but you can’t take the trailer out of the boy.



Sounds like an old Salem cigarette commercial from the 1960’s, which went; You can take Salem out the country But you can’t take the country out of Salem!

Spock told me to tell you that you are using an old add commercial jingle.

BTW Lenard Nimoy owns a house near Ft. Lauderdale FL.

Lee F.

Keith - and we end the jingle by putting some Tom’s peanuts in the Pepsi bottles!

Roy, That’s disgusting.

I saw it; it’s Comcastic!

Great commercial, thanks for the heads up Jim. I also can vividly remember the tag “Sold in grocery stores only”, back when you actually could “shoot your eye out”. I remember taking out just about every bulb on the tree one year with a rocket firing canon and tank, just by removing the “safety rubber tip” from the rockets. As a grade school aged boy, war toys were about the only good that came from those “Cold War” days. That and Kennedy shoving Nakita’s shoe up Castro’s @$$. Rich F.

Lee- Inquirering Minds want to know: Is it logical for Spock to own a House in Ft.Lauderdale with all of the Hurricanes Florida has had?[;)][;)] & Does Spock enjoy Peanuts in his Pepsi?[;)][:o)][:o)] Take Care.

I didn’t say that Spock owns a house but Lenard Nimoy owns a house in Ft. Lauderdale FL. When will you illogical humans ever get the facts straight? Peanuts in Pepsi?? Is this a new fad on planet Earth? SPOCK.