I have the Von Ryans Express Route (In French, but Very cool by the way) and I am wondering about a certain part of the activity. The idea is you get the train to Milano and when you come to a switch, you are supposed to stop and switch it to the right. However, the switch is already to the right and you can just blow right on through without stopping. I opened it up with the editor, but I CANNOT figure out how to make it so the switch will work both ways (while driving train, not in the editor). As a matter of fact, it seems that whenever I make a “simple” activity up, my train will ONLY go the way the path shows in the editor. I CANNOT make the train take a different set of tracks UNLESS I am in “explore” mode. What am I doing wrong? Does anyone here have that route? OR know what I am talking about? Anyone feel like helping me out to understand the AE better? Yes, I have downloaded a couple of the tutorials, but they only show how to make a train go from point a to point b. and I got that part now… (I think) at least, I was able to make my train start at a point, and go to another point, I was even able to add a “message” during my trip.
Also, I am having problems with the AE keep crashing and also keeps losing the “players train and consists” on the map view. I REMOVE the AE stuff out of the registry, helps once or twice, but it happens again anyway…
Thanks for any help