Any small vacuum you recommend to remove dust after modeling?

Hi everyone!

Since I am beginning to do more sanding and creating lots more dust on my workbench, I would like to know if you have a small portable vacuum that you recommend?

Thanks for your help!

There is a mini hose and nossel attachment for a full sized vacuum that I use. Works great and can be modified all for under $10.

This is portable. [Y]


I’ve got one of these I use for light and localized cleanup:

It comes apart right down to the basics, so it can be cleaned up, internally.


Hi Ed, do you have a link so I can find this article? Thanks.

Micromark sells the attachment IIRC.

There are other brands, of course. I’ve been very happy with this one. It’s got a charger base it sits on. I’ve had it for several years now, and had no complaints.


I used a MetroVac ‘DataVac’ that I bought to do computer-equipment cleaning. I modified it to use a small long hose, as in this kit:

as I don’t like manipulating a heavy vacuum near fine components. There are many ‘micro’ or ‘crevice’ tool kits available, many that work fine with upright or canister vacuums; many of these appear to be designed for use with wands or large hoses and would benefit from having a few feet of smaller-diameter flex between the reducing adapter and the tiny suction tools.

Two notes: There needs to be an adjustable slide or vent at the adapter to the bigger hose, and it is often helpful to put a couple of pieces of stocking or other thin fabric across the hose to catch stray small parts.

As an added note: the OP mentioned that this ‘dust’ is largely the result of cutting and sanding. It should be possible to rig some of the ‘micro vac’ components to do the job that a good wood-shop vacuum system does, arranged close to the kerf or cutters to suck the dust up as it is generated, without having to hold or position a handheld device…

I use a good quality artist’s brush with longish bristles. I also purse my lips and blow. I know, displacing and distributing what is unwanted ain’t the best approach, but I’m nearing my seventh decade on this side of the veil. I don’t think I’ll ever build up enough of it to notice.

In all seriousness, it is what I do. No noise, cheap, and it works. If your peripherals get a bit dusty as a result, just hose 'em down. Spritz liberally with wet water.

You do know that a relatively large component of house dust is human skin, right? And dust mites.

That calls for a reasonable antiseptic for the dusty peripherals in addition to the water. I recommend ethyl alcohol.

I use a newer version of the aforementioned Dustbuster.

Ed, finally I have ordered yours. Thanks for the link.

[(-D] So thats how ya do it!


Yes, I know. It’s everywhere…and I do mean everywhere. In my pillow, on it, in my mattress, on it, in my towels, in my clothing of all kinds, in my sports gear…everywhere. Hasn’t killed me yet! [8D]

Miniature vacuum kit